Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring 17/10-08
Bättre manlig sångare finns inte. Tjejen är inte så dålig hon heller.
Och båda är snygga också! Bättre kan det inte bli!
Och btw~~
Jag skiter i vad ni tycker och tänker om honom.
Jag vet att jag har bäst smak så~~<3
I'm a fucked-up personality - 06/10-08
3 AM
honey where’ve you been?
cell turned off I waited here
by the phone again
just like last night
Think I can
sort of understand
what your life’s like
all new friends
all the parties and
how you win them
3 AM, now it’s 3AM
Will not let my sadness show
how the tension grows
miss you so an
I pretend
I can feel your hands
and arms around me
trying to fall asleep again
sleep again it’s 3 AM
3 AM, soon the day will break
your voice so close
your lips are so far away
and our words they
fly around across the ocean and
disappearing somewhere over New Foundland
"Oh I love you"
3 AM, now it’s 3 AM
when will you be back again
and do you think we can
keep our love for ever more?
Did we let it go?
Or is it still beautiful?
Do we care at all?
Lost again at 3 AM
3 AM
honey where’ve you been?
cell turned off I waited here
by the phone again
just like last night
Think I can
sort of understand
what your life’s like
all new friends
all the parties and
how you win them
3 AM, now it’s 3AM
Will not let my sadness show
how the tension grows
miss you so an
I pretend
I can feel your hands
and arms around me
trying to fall asleep again
sleep again it’s 3 AM
3 AM, soon the day will break
your voice so close
your lips are so far away
and our words they
fly around across the ocean and
disappearing somewhere over New Foundland
"Oh I love you"
3 AM, now it’s 3 AM
when will you be back again
and do you think we can
keep our love for ever more?
Did we let it go?
Or is it still beautiful?
Do we care at all?
Lost again at 3 AM
3 AM
Har knarkat denna låt hela jävla dan.
Den är rätt så lugnande när man är arg.
Men det förändrar inte fakta.
Den är rätt så lugnande när man är arg.
Men det förändrar inte fakta.